GIGW Audit

GIGW audit (Guidelines for Government of India Websites) refers to a series of requirements the National Informatic Center drafted for all government websites in India.

According to the requirements, all government websites should be inclusive, user-friendly & accessible to all residents.

The compliance guarantees that government websites are available to the general public, protected from cyber attacks, deliver relevant & authentic facts, and are accessible to people with disabilities.

Does GIGW Audit Stipulate the Qualities of a Website’s User Interface?

Yes, it does! For example, GIGW audit and compliance requirements require each government’s website to have a user-oriented user interface (U.I.) design. Further, the NIC equally inspects web elements, font types, and background color.

How Usability Testing Guarantees Convenient Web Accessibility in 2024

GIGW compliance requires the designers to use different groups of Indians to ensure a government website is perfect for all. For example, the Indian government requires the developer to use blind people and those with a hearing impairment to ascertain that the site suits everyone.

How Does GIGW Compliance Boost Web Accessibility for Blind Indians?

Website content accessibility guidelines (W.C.A.G.) sets the following standards for a site’s features. For instance:

1 – Add A Font Size Adjustment Option

GIGW auditors encourage web developers to include this functionality to assist people with partial disability. Today, the IT experts recommend a font size range of 10 to 12 points.

2 – Use Textures

Nowadays, Indian government sites include texture to notable web elements to accommodate blind people. Further, consider color contrast, especially when adding bar graphs to accommodate visually impaired Indians.

3 – Use Fewer Colors

Website developers should avoid using too many colors because some may misinterpret them. According to color psychology, red symbolizes danger, whereas blue signifies peace or calmness.

4 – Use Headers

Today, some Indian websites have textured page headers to help blind people understand what each web page is about in brief. Additionally, they use a reasonable font size for all subheadings.

How Does GIGWA Compliance Enhance Web Accessibility for Deaf Indians and Foreigners?

Here’s how these guidelines amplify site accessibility for Indians with hearing impairment.

1 – Add Subtitles for The Attached Videos

GIGW compliance guidelines require an Indian government’s website to have comprehensive sub-titles for video content. For example, they must attach this information for government-related advertisements.

2 – Add Various Means of Communication

Secondly, the Indian government requires all agencies to provide various communication channels like email and live chat to accommodate deaf people.

Remember that a customer support phone number can only help you if you have a sense of hearing.

3 – Use Uncomplicated English

Generally, over 80 percent of deaf Indians don’t speak English as their first language. Therefore, GIGW audit and compliance guidelines request content writers to use plain language when creating web content for an Indian government’s website.

4 – Add An Efficient Search Functionality

These guidelines ensure that web designers add this element to the government’s website to help these groups of people navigate it easily. Additionally, they must add navigation links on the footer or the homepage to simplify navigation.


In closing, the National Informatics Center (NIC) adds more guidelines from time to time to improve web accessibility and security to prevent cyber sabotage. GIGW compliance and auditing are crucial because all Indians, including those with a disability, deserve online government services.

NTSPL has a huge impact on GIGW (Guidelines for Indian Government Websites) because it ensures that government sites remain secure, accessible and user-friendly to the masses. It also ensures that software developers create sites that adhere to GIGW, for robust security protocols. Through NTSPL, companies and software developers can craft sites that comply with GIGW audit and compliance regulations, which ensures the transparency and efficiency of government websites.
